Monday, June 16, 2014

Who lives in a PINEAPPLE under the Sea?


What: Pineapple Cake
Need: Angel Food Cake Mix & Crushed Pineapple chunks (with juice)
Fact: only 2 ingredients were needed for this (I was lazy)
Why: for my own sanity!

My professor had mentioned that people who have careers in teaching, counseling, therapy, psychiatry (basically any job that deals with people) tend to enjoy baking or gardening. Why? Because dealing with people is always a never ending progress and if you're super OCD (like me) and need to "get things done" and see the final product? well, baking is the answer.  This made so much sense to me.

These past couple weeks have been overwhelming and after moping about everything I realized I need to stop feeling everything and fix my eyes on Jesus and just like that I was released from it all (PTL) Also, thanks G- for pretty much telling me I needed to relax haha so this was my final product!

happy baking xx